Toronto: The Peel police have arrested 18 persons, including a Service Ontario employee, in connection with home invasion-style robberies, armed robberies and carjackings in the Peel Region and throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Under the Project Warlock, 150 Criminal Code Offence charges have been laid, 17 violent home invasions, armed robberies and carjackings have been solved, 12 stolen vehicles have been recovered, valued over $1,200,000.00, over $55,000 worth of stolen property have been recovered, over 60 search warrants have been executed and four prohibited firearms, one with obliterated serial number, and two imitation firearms have been seized.
According to the police, between November 2023 and January 2024, eight robbery incidents occurred in Brampton and of these incidents, there were three home invasions and two involved firearms.
The police said there were two robberies involving firearms and three knife-point robberies. Besides, a series of carjackings occurred over a weekend in March 2024. These included five carjackings across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), in both Peel Region and York Region, involving multiple luxury vehicles, the police added.
The suspects have been identified as 21-year-old Nanayaw Kwarten from Mississauga, 19-year-old Mark Obohat from Brampton, a 14-year-old from Mississauga, 21-year-old Jessiah Farrell from Brampton, 21-year-old Kashaun Grenier from Brampton, 24-year-old Tyrese Williams from Brampton, 19-year-old Patrick Kubu from Brampton, 19-year-old Isiah Grenier from Brampton, 23-year-old Mohammed Muheeb from London , 22-year-old Ayub Abdi from Brampton, 22-year-old MD Abdul Kibria from Milton, 23-year-old Oneil Antubam from Mississauga, a 17-year-old from Cambridge, 26-year-old Breanna Nash from Brampton, 24-year-old Teshawn Kerr-Cover from Brampton, 27-year-old Antoine Betty from Brampton, 26-year-old Inderpal Dhillon from Brampton, who at the time of his arrest was an employee of Service Ontario, and a 17-year-old from Brampton.
The police the suspects were released on conditions and will attend the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton at a later date.